Selekt sale
Corner sofa (bali) cosmopolitan design light beige, velvet, black metal, left
Corner sofa (bali) cosmopolitan design light beige, velvet, black metal, left
Corner sofa (bali) cosmopolitan design light beige, velvet, black metal, left
Corner sofa (bali) cosmopolitan design light beige, velvet, black metal, left
Corner sofa (bali) cosmopolitan design light beige, velvet, black metal, left
Corner sofa (bali) cosmopolitan design light beige, velvet, black metal, left
Corner sofa (bali) cosmopolitan design light beige, velvet, black metal, left

Corner sofa (bali) cosmopolitan design light beige, velvet, black metal, left

Värv: Kerge beež
Kangas: Samet
Jalgade värv: Must metall
Nurk: Vasak
Product code: COS_LC_51_F1_BALI1
3799 €
1678 €
Antud kampaania hind kehtib kuni kaupa jätkub.
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Availability: Orderable product (Estimated delivery time 45 days)
Läänemere KonverterLäänemere tee 74a, Tallinn-
Viimsi KonverterRandvere tee 6, Haabneeme-

Product variations

Jalgade värv:
Corner sofa (bali) cosmopolitan design light beige, velvet, black metal, left
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Konverter Outlet deals with the sale of stock leftovers, which is why the products may have cosmetic defects. The product is checked before it is released from the warehouse. If the product is damaged, we will contact the customer before sending the product out and inform them of the defects. If the product does not fit in such a condition, we will offer a discount according to the extent of the damage or refund the money. The products may be missing the original packaging or the original packaging may be damaged.

Konverter Selekt sells custom furniture. See the products here: www.konverter.ee/selekt
Selekt has some samples outside in the hall and you can also buy them immediately, but most of the large product range can be ordered!

1. Where can you see all the products on sale, where is the physical store located?

Our large 2,000 m² interior decoration center and outlet store is located in Tallinn, Lasnamäe, Läänemere tee 74a.

At the beginning of 2023, we also opened another large 4,000 m2 interior decoration center in Viimsi, Randvere tee 6, Haabneeme

Opening times can be seen here: https://www.konverter.ee/kontakt/

2. Are the prices negotiable or final?

All converter prices are fixed and there is no trading room. When determining the price, we have already taken into account possible defects and wear and tear. Discounting is done in a systematic way by the program. Discounts are affected by many different factors such as time, inventory and stock turnover.

3. Can products be reserved?

Unfortunately, we don't have a reservation system, as most of the time there is only one of each product. There is a nice rule, who is in front of the man!

Delivery and handover of products
1. We will post the products to the Customer within 7 working days at the latest. During major discount campaigns, the collection times are longer and can reach 20 working days. In addition to the given delivery times, the postal movement time within Estonia is 3-7 working days. The Konverter e-shop does not undertake to deliver products to the Customer on weekends and holidays.

2. The converter e-shop is not responsible for the length of delivery time. The given delivery times are average product arrival times.

3. Avoiding delays and misunderstandings in the delivery of goods depends on the accuracy and correctness of the data provided in the order.

4. If you choose the "I'll pick it up" delivery method, you can pick up the goods at Läänemere Konverter - Läänemere tee 74a, Tallinn, ER from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. or from Viimsi Konverter at Randvere tee 6, Haabneeme, ER 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Please pick up after notification within 5 days.
If the customer does not pick up the goods within 2 weeks after sending the notification, we have the right to charge a m3-based storage fee of €12/m3 per month.

Right of return
1. After delivery of the order, the Customer has the right to return the ordered products within 14 days. The right of withdrawal applies only to private consumers, it does not apply to legal entities.

2. The returned product must still have the sticker product code approved by the Konverter e-store.

3. The cost related to the return of the goods shall be borne by the Customer. The Konverter e-shop bears the cost of returning the goods if the delivered goods differ from the ordered ones.

4. To return the goods, a return application must be submitted within 14 days after receiving the order, as a complaint form on the converter's website https://www.konverter.ee/reklamaksioni-vorm

5. The Customer must return the goods to the Konverter e-shop no later than 14 days after submitting the return application.

The goods must be brought to the address Läänemere tee 74a, Tallinn or Randvere tee 6, Haabneeme, Viimsi parish, within the given time. According to where the order was issued.

6. Returns are made within 14 days after the product is returned to the e-store warehouse. We return the money only to the current account from which the transfer for the order was made.

7. It is not possible to return products purchased locally in the store if they are not suitable.

In the case of a return, please fill out the complaint form: https://www.konverter.ee/reklamaksioni-vorm/




Tootjapoolne soovituslik jaemüügihind: 3799.00 €
Velvet vasaku nurga diivan, "Bali", 5 istekohta, 293x185x75
Valmistatud Euroopas
See on sünteetiline kangas, mis jäljendab samet õrna läikega. Täiuslik valik elegantsete mööbli kujunduste jaoks. Sellel on väga hea kulumiskindlus, mis vähendab oluliselt selle kahjustuste riski (test Martindale 50000, 320 g/m2). Materjal on äärmiselt pehme, puudutusele siidiselt.

Springs: Jah
Istme täitmise kompositsioon: suure püsisuhetega polüuretaanvaht 35 kg/m³ vatiga 200 g/m²
Seljatugi täitmise kompositsioon: suure vastupidavusega polüuretaanvaht 30 kg/m³
Maksimaalne kaal volitatud (kg): 450
Meridienne'i laius (CM): 90/102
Meridienne sügavus (CM): 154/164
Käetoe laius: 11.5
Käetoe kõrgus: 59
Jala värv/viide: must metall
Jalade kõrgus (CM): 15
Konstruktsioon/komponendid: tahke männipuu raam, puitlauad, kiudlauad, vineer, vedrud, mustad metallist jalad
Istme laius (CM): 180
Istme kõrgus (põrandalt istumisosani) (CM): 41
Istme sügavus (CM): 70/81
Seljatugi kõrgus (istumisosast ülaosani) (CM): 40
Neto kaal (kg): 88
Netomaht (m³): 4.065375
Kogukaal (kg): 105
Kogumaht (m³): 2,548944
Bluvel 22

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